Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Maddie has been playing volleyball and had her first tournament over the weekend. Her team won 4 out of the 6 games they played. It was her first time ever actually playing for real,  not practice. It was a lot of fun for her and her friends.

I hope she continues to enjoy playing because she's been on the search for an activity that she loves.


Friday, January 16, 2015

Taking Notes: Remember to Pray

Tuesday evening Sadie ate yet another sock. I was watching my niece and nephew for a bit and she was in her kennel. My niece took off her socks because she was sliding around on the hardwood floor and didn't want to fall. Long story short, the kids went in Maddie's room to play so I let Sadie out also. No sooner than I opened the kennel and walked away, she made a mad dash for the socks, that I had forgotten about obviously. So of course, down went the sock, like a vacuum. So that's when the wait and watch began. We thought she'd probably be able to pass this sock because it was so small. So we waited and waited and inspected poop and waited some more, for three days actually. Last night I suspected it was soon to be over because Sadie was not her usual energetic self. I heard her make a few suspicious noises in the night and became more worried about her so I prayed ... quite simply that she would pass the sock. This was the first time I prayed about the sock that went down, but I thought about it and worried about it, lots. I felt very silly praying about a sock in my dog's intestinal tract. I fell back to sleep quickly and slept till the alarm went off, jumped up and started to get ready for work. All the while Sadie is whining and I'm telling her to be patient and I'd let her out ASAP. That's when I finished up and went to her and found that she had puked the sock!! Thank goodness and praise the Lord!! In that moment I felt so grateful that the ordeal was over and God answered my prayer and so ashamed that I had not prayed sooner. Sometimes we feel that God's too busy, doesn't care about silly details, or that it's just ridiculous to pray for certain things. I was reminded this morning while cleaning puke that He does care and that while He does know the concerns of my heart... He's probably waiting for me to speak up and share them with Him. That's what relationship is all about. So for future reference... remember to pray right away about all things, anything, silly things, big deals... and about socks in stomachs.


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Long Time Gone

I haven't blogged in one month. That shows how busy the month of December is. After my trip to Colorado, things just sort of spiraled into a whirlwind of business so I'm going to do a quick run down of happenings just for the sake of doing it.

We had Maddie's birthday party a few weeks early. She had 13 girls spend the night at Gigi's house. We ate lots and there was lots of makeup, singing and choreography, laughter and good times. I think she enjoyed it especially since it's the first sleepover she ever hosted. She also had her tonsils removed on Dec. 23. She was an excellent patient and recovered quickly without much drama. She also started volleyball last month with a few friends and she's really been loving going and playing. They're just learning the basics but it's still exciting to her.

Blake has started practice for JV soccer. He hasn't conditioned or touched the ball in several years, but I'm hoping the skills come back quickly like they say with a bike, you never forget how to ride.
He has spent a lot of Christmas break squirrel hunting.

Christmas was kept really low key due to Maddie recovering from surgery. We had several meals with family and one with the shift. Bryan got me the best gift, it's a framed sketch of my grandparents old store, Cuzzins, It made me cry, of course, just like Maddie warned me it would. I got Bryan a pair of waders for duck hunting.

Sadie has been up to her usual tricks. We've discovered she's a sock eater.. and she also ate the memory foam from inside her bed when we left her alone too long on New Years Eve.

Bryan and I celebrated our 17th anniversary yesterday. We have a date weekend planned next week when Bryan is off, but we did celebrate yesterday by taking the kids to Night at the Museum 3 and to dinner.

So now there, I'm caught up and will do a photo dump ASAP.
