Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Taking Notes: on following Jesus

There are sometimes a thought crosses your mind, someone appears in your dreams in a random way, you remember something maybe that just causes you to reach out to someone. I'm learning these prompting are God's instructions to me about how to do the things He wants me to do. It could be as simple as a text, a smile, a meal, or even just doing a simple favor for someone in need. Sometimes He will even prompt me to help someone with a need before they even realize they have a need. That's awesome to me and when a situation works out like that I know for sure that it was orchestrated by God. I know that serving others brings more joy than your own personal ambitions. I hope I'm modeling this well for my children and I pray I continue to be used in whatever way God has planned.

" all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be"
                                                      Psalms 139:16
