Thursday, March 12, 2015

Life with a Dog

The weather has warmed up recently, thank goodness. We are able to get outside and breathe fresh air and actually do things. Sadie and I started back to our regular daily walk routine. She's doing great on the leash and actually walked beside me properly without much correction and without pulling my arm off, which is what she is accustomed to doing. It's extremely annoying to try to pull her back and walk at a productive speed, but learning to heel and be obedient is part of her training, so I'll do it. Sunday we took a hike to King Creek Falls. She absolutely goes nuts when she gets close to water, or when she can hear it actually. She barks and runs through the water and swims down the current and is just in heaven. I'm becoming concerned about how we will manage her when we go to the beach in July. She's likely to lose her mind with excitement at the vast amount of water.

Speaking of Sadie, I noticed a small red spot on the inside of her leg yesterday. So she's made a trip to the vet this morning. And she has some type of fungus and we have gotten an antibiotic and a spray to treat it. The vet also informed Bryan that Sadie will be coming into heat soon!!! I have no words for this news. My brain kinda freaks out just thinking about it. I thought we had a while before this part happened, I'm so uninformed and unprepared. Bryan has a few classes coming up that will take him out of town for two weeks, so mark it down, the "heat" will most certainly start then and I'm going to have to tackle that problem on my own.

Oh my, I never knew how much I'd love this little brown dog, she is my third baby. I hope she feels better quickly and I hope I can manage all these upcoming issues. For sure, there's never a dull day when there's life with a dog....


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