Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Do Bad Things Come in Three's?

My sweet husband often says bad things come in three's, meaning three bad things in a row. This week that has been a true statement. First, he sawed his leg with the chainsaw. Second, we had a really nasty thing said about us. Third, a piece of gum found it's way into my dryer. I've spent too much time scraping  it out and Magic erasing it!! Back to the second bad thing though. A lie about my family was repeated to me. It was really nasty and meant to be extremely hurtful. For my kids sake when they read this, that's all the detail and attention I will give to that part. It's what happened next that matters most anyway. I confronted the source of the lie, and stood up to the evil that attempted to attack my marriage and family. There's nothing I hold more dear than my faith and my family. I know and serve a God that is just and true. I could not allow myself to think about and worry over this statement of evil and inaccuracy. I also do not allow anything to threaten the integrity and value of my marriage. I defended myself and stated my concerns about what I had heard and I felt better. I know I cannot overcome the evil in this world but I know the One who can and already has. I know He was with me during this conversation because He guided my words and I was able to keep my calm and say nothing that would cause me regret. I had others praying for me and I felt it. Afterwards I had this particular scripture flood my brain...
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3: 5-6

I also learn in hard times that when you look for God he will show you what it is you need. He has shown me I have Godly people in my life to support me, that He will never leave me, and He is still challenging me to trust Him in this situation. In my human nature, I want to run from hard things that cause me pain and make me feel helpless. I'm being shown to run to Him and wait on his answer. I trust that He will guide me to the right next thing for me.

Moving on... let's hope the next group of three things are good things!


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